Ubuntu lets you set the timezone during the installation. If you need to change it at a later point, you can easily do so from system settings or using CLI utilities. Date & Time Settings To set the timezone via the GUI, Search and open ‘Date & Time’ from the Activities overview. Toggle off Automatic Time Zone if required, then click on the Time Zone field. Use the map or the search bar to select the timezone. Close the window when you’re done. Timedatectl The timedatectl tool is used to manage the system clock and related settings. You can use the set-timezone option to change the timezone in the following format. timedatectl set-timezone <Zone/SubZone> Of course, you’ll need to know the required timezone value for this first. You can use ls /usr/share/zoneinfo and explore your timezone from there. Or, you can use the list-timezones option like so timedatectl list-timezones After you find the timezone, set it as demonstrated below. sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/Los_Angeles You can verify the change by checking the system time or by using timedatectl.